Hanami: Unobtrusive JavaScript

Jan Bajena
4 min readNov 8, 2020


In one of my previous posts I wrote down the impressions about Hanami I’ve had while working on my side project, Flashcard Genius. One of the things I mentioned there was that some features you’d expect from a framework are missing or underdocumented. One of such features I missed in Hanami was unobtrusive javascript.

Rails comes out-of-the-box with helpers that allow developers to do following things without writing a single JavaScript line:

  • Create links to POST/DELETE/PATCH endpoints (link_to "Delete article, @article, method: :delete)
  • Send forms remotely using AJAX just by adding remote: true to your form tag.
  • Show simple confirmation dialog after clicking a link (link_to "Dangerous zone", dangerous_zone_path, data: { confirm: 'Are you sure?' })
  • Disable submit buttons while waiting for the form to be sent (f.submit data: { "disable-with": "Saving..." })

In my application I had a need for remote DELETE links (removing flashcards, log out endpoint) and remote forms (quickly add/edit a card without reloading the page), so I started looking for solutions and… turns out there’s a way to do it in Hanami thanks to a plugin called hanami-ujs. Surprisingly, this library is hosted in the official Hanami GitHub organization, but the documentation almost doesn’t exist. In this post I’m gonna show you how I solved some of my problems using this library.

Installation and setup is well described in gem’s README file, have a look there.

When you’re following RESTful resource routing then there’s a 99% chance that a route to destroy a resource will be a DELETE method route. Unfortunately Hanami doesn't support creating links to DELETE paths out-of-the box, so e.g. my logout link looked like this under the hood:

Even though it worked it was a nasty hack. It was also violating unsafe-inline directive from Content Security Policy.

After installing hanami-ujs this is one line is all I need instead:

Sometimes you want your view to be a bit more dynamic and don’t want to reload the whole page when a form is sent. In this case AJAX is your friend. hanami-ujs offers sending remote AJAX forms. I used this feature e.g. on the word edit form in Flashcard Genius. You can see how that works on the GIF below:

In order to achieve this result I needed two things — form definition and JS event handlers.

Form definition

If you know a bit of Hanami you’ll notice that this is a standard Hanami form with two additions:

  • remote: true - tells hanami-ujs that the form will be sent by AJAX
  • "data-method": :patch option - method that hanami-ujs will use to send the form

JS event handler

In order to be able to dynamically react on AJAX response we need some JavaScript on our page. hanami-ujs defines two event types:

  • ajax:before - Called before the request is sent. It can be used e.g. to clear forms errors after previous request.
  • ajax:complete - Called when the response is received (no matter if the request succeeded or not).

Here’s how my JS code for the edit word form looks like. The server updates the word and returns a HTML template with the updated record. The new HTML replaces the old one:

hanami-ujs has also two other useful features:

  • You can add "disable-with": "Saving..." to your form submit buttons. This'll automatically disable the button to prevent double-sends and replace the its text with Saving.... One drawback of this feature is that it wasn't created with AJAX forms in mind, so when you want to itdisable-with with remote forms you'll have to re-enable the button and change its text back to original after the request. You can find the example in previous snippets.
  • You can show a simple confirmation dialog that prevents sending a form/following a link by adding "data-confirm": "Are you sure you want to do it?". This is how one of the buttons in my app looks like:

which results in a following message:

Even though hanami-ujs may seem quite abandoned it provides tools that save a lot of time when creating simple server-rendered apps. If you're creating such an app in Hanami there's a big chance you'll want to use it. For more hanami-ujs examples (and Hanami in general) you can check Flashcard Genius' repository at https://github.com/Bajena/flashcard-genius.

Happy coding :)



Jan Bajena
Jan Bajena

Written by Jan Bajena

I’m a software developer @ Productboard, mostly interested in building backends using Ruby language. CSS doesn’t make me cry though ;)

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